Monday, 22 February 2010

Momma gets Crafty

I'm not sure what it is about mothers and crafts but most of us with young children have a craft related hobby of some description. Not having to leave the house to partake in said hobbies is a big plus and the idea of local craft groups gives an escape once a month when you really need it.

Another great point to crafts is that our children love them too. Children can't resist the idea of a little messy time with paints and glue. The programmes they watch encourage creativity and sometimes our children are the responsible party for our own crafts and occasional addictions to the hobbies.

I have done my fair share of crafts and all three of my children have each contributed to the 'pot' in their own ways.
My eldest loved modelling clay, my middle child (and only daughter) adored to make little bags from felt and adding small felt flowers. The youngest is a paper man, we have yet to try full blown handmade paper but that will be a blast when we get the chance.

Selling handmade items is another big hurdle. I'm still looking into where I can sell (there are a lot of choices available and I want to make the best one.) I've had a few pointed out to me and the most suggested is Artfire I know a few people that sell there and had some good reviews. Others include Etsy and Folksy I don't know anyone that does sell on etsy and only a work friend of my husband has mentioned folksy. However searching online there are a million and one other places.

I have had a look around the three mentioned and one thing that really seems to have turned me off is fees. To start on artfire a premium shop would cost me $15.95/month but for etsy and folksy there is an upfront fee and I would have to pay again when an item sold.
Thankfully a little more reading told me I could set up on artfire for free. I'm still not 100% decided but without any real 'stock' to speak of it's not a huge deal yet.

So lets find me a home, Right now I'm happy living here until I decide to sell. I'm certainly going to be having a bigger poke through those 'top 3' places.


  1. Nice to meet you.

    I'm a mother too, my son loved to 'help' me with my jewellery.

    For your venue question I am an Artfire seller, It's really user friendly. I've tried a few others and just not got on with them. Though there are benefits to being in multiple places.

  2. Hi Scarlet, thanks for the advice.
